Saturday, November 28, 2009

Some are Getting Snow... Lots O' Rain For Us

We had a big storm form off the coast over the weekend. It's mostly passed now, but there are still some pretty big winds. Friday was basically a washout and today was so windy and cold you wouldn't want to be outside anyway. Take a look at this maelstrom in the Benny's parking lot taken this past Friday, Nov. 27. - Dennis, Massachusetts. Cape Cod

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Oystering Day 2

The weather this Sunday was much better than last... by far. The wind that had been blowing all day, finally calmed aound 1:00. And, although the clouds never went away, the water was clear, calm and not-so-cold. The oysters were easy picking, which allowed me to be choosy... only taking the perfect ones: rounded bottom, 3 1/2 inches or so. The previous week was so bad, I took whatever I found that was at or above the 3" limit.

This is my new gear this season: An actual clamming bucket, rather than a 3-gallon paint bucket. I just put the orange water-noodle on it this week. With a leash, the bucket now floats at arms reach from me. I also have a deeper plastic tub (to keep the waves out), a 3-foot "grabber," and the sleeves from my old surfing wetsuit.

This is a full 5-quart catch, or about 4-dozen 3 1/2-inch oysters. I didn't see many people leaving today without their limit.