Saturday, January 8, 2011

Haiku Snapshot # 8

Its snowing again,
Tree scene turns to greys on grey,
Hoping for all white. 

Friday, January 7, 2011

Haiku Snapshot #7

The hawk stood and stared,
Her kill clenched against the ground,
I was way too close.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Haiku - ing

My blog called "A half-assed attempt to keep up with myself," has become more of a whole-assed attempt. I just havent had the time for it. But I like writing, and I like keeping track of my memories. So, I thought, "how can I get my thoughts down more quickly?" And this is what I've come up with: I like photography, and a photo is like a 1000 words, so they say. But then, a Haiku is like a snapshot in words, at least it's supposed to be. Its words should paint a picture of the event or scene in as little words as possible... Perfect. So that's what I'll attempt to do. I'm going to try to do one a day for the rest of the year. I'm a little slow off the block getting these posted, so here are my first 6 all at once. (Then, one a day (or so) for the rest of the year...)

January 1
Behind dark curtains
Skies glow red on New Year's dawn
Few are up to watch

January 2
Inside and crumpled
While the world goes on outside
The flu has gripped me

January 3
Winds whip from the North
Sun hangs low behind bare trees
I walk head tucked down

January 4
My little girl twirled
Thrilled just to be where she was.
Wow! She won it all

January 5
Arkansas suburb
Quiet dark while people sleep
Its raining blackbirds

And Today... January 6
Sparce pink morning clouds
Whisper to the cold blue sky
A storm is coming