Monday, January 26, 2009

Another Snow Storm is Coming!

I woke up to the announcement that more snow is coming. I love snow. I'm glad it's coming. So many people are groaning about the long winter, but I can't wait. Now, come March, when it's steadily 36 degrees and raw during my out-of-work hours, I'm sure I'll be complaining with the rest o'ya', but c'mon! It's January. It's winter and if its going to be cold as hell, it might as well look nice out there. Plus, it's the beginning of the year. For those of us poor saps that are still working for the man, we have a full year's allotment vacation and sick day's comin' at us.... so if it's driving that's bummin' you out. DON'T DRIVE! Go play in the snow and try to remember how much you enjoyed anticipating the big storm when you were a kid. What kid doesn't like a snowstorm. I think the day I don't wish it to snow will be the day I figure out that I really am an old man. Snow pics from Chatham here: flickr. Some snowy lighthouse ones...

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