Friday, January 30, 2009

Whale Watch Tme.

Weather permitting, I'm off to the tip of Cape Cod to look for whales on Sunday. For the past few years, come January, I start to go looking for right whales off the coast of provincetown. Two years ago, max and I watched one feeding off of Race Point in Provincetown. Last year, we found them off of Herring Cove Beach, also in P-town. We've seen lots of humpbacks, and a few finbacks and minkes right from the beach. It sucks if it's windy, but if it's sunny with no wind, there's a good chance we'll be able to stay out on the beach for a while and see some kind of whale. Saturday will be cold and nasty. Sunday is supposed to be warmer, but still only in the 30's. Hopefully there will be no wind. Oh... and I just got my 2009 shelfish license, so with luck... fresh steamers for supper.. oh yeah!
(click the image for a bigger view)

Update: Saturday Morning, 25°, windy and cold. The ground is covered with a dusting of snow. No WAY am I going out to any beach today.

Update: Sunday Morning, 24°, cold, but no wind. It's supposed to warm up to 39° today by this afternoon, but the wind will be picking up. Maybe have to wait 'til next weekend.


Chase Squires said...

Hey, it was sunny and 12 degrees today at Copper ... I skied the double black moguls ... no, I suck at moguls, but I am getting better and I am determined to advance from competent black diamond to insane cliff jumper. Determined.

Why does my damn body keep aging? I'm still 25, dammit!!

Bruce Christopher said...

Ahhh the back bowls at copper. ya know, I got the worst sunburn of my life there one day in March. 12 degrees in colorado = 36 here on the coast. You have the benefit of the dry air. Enjoy them hills.