Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Decisions decisions...

Well, this weekend turned out to be one of the best so far this year. Max had a great basketball game on Saturday and Sunday turned out to be a gorgeous day. It eventually got all the way up to 47 degrees! (click images for the full size view)

BUT, at 7:00 am, it was still only in the high 20's so I had to make a decision whether to go all the way up to P-town to look for whales or not. Amy wouldn't let me do both whale watching and clamming... and really, I don't think I could have pulled it 0ff anyway. Maybe, I could have gotten them both in if I got up and out of here at 5:00 am, but not in this weather. Anyway, I took the kids down to our local beach which is less than 2 miles away and we dug some nice steamers. The air was warm, the sun was out, and there was no wind. So, even though the water was absolutely freezing, wet hands warmed up once out of the puddle.

We found enough for a full meal for two people, and that afternoon I took them over to Keith's house. He and I slurped them down with a couple beers each - Anchor Liberty Ales. There's just something about same-day fresh steamers. Oh man were they good. The best part was that the steamy clam stink and the filthy pot remained at Keith's house. Sorry Keith.

That night I put the kids to bed and fell asleep on the bean-bag chair as I usually do. Last night was the super bowl and I slept right through it. I guess it was a pretty good one too... oh well.

1 comment:

Chase Squires said...

nothing to say here .. but ..
