Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Flat Calm and Foggy on the Brewster Flats

On Sunday, I set out for my second day of fishing this year (sad.. I know). The first thing that happened, even before I left the house was that my left contact lens ripped. I didnt' have a spare so I had to wear my geeky glasses, that don't really fit. Next, although it was fairly clear at my house, the beach was socked in with fog. I paddled out anyway since I have a compass and can easily find my way back ... but when I took my compass out after racing a half-mile out to get away from the bugs, I found that my compass was broken... all the water drained out.

I was socked in by fog and there was no wind. All those land bugs that followed me out were hanging around too, but eventually after they all had their turns on me, I had killed them all... either that or they were all full on my blood so they went home.

The fog eventually cleard to the point where I could see land and I ended up catching a few fish. Max met me later and he got his first fish of the year. We also collected about a dozen quahogs (which turned out to be our only keepers for the day)

Click here to see photos of the trip.

1 comment:

Chase Squires said...

Hey, nice fish, those aren't "keepers?" ... btw, regarding 3.2 beer, as of last Sunday, liquor stores in Colorado can now stay open on Sundays ... no more 3.2 beer when you run out during the game!