Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Trying to Make Time

At 3:40 am a saw-whet owl was hoo-ing outside of our window. It's the kind of a sound you'd think a ghost would make, a mournfull "hoooo" but with the roll of your toungue. (as if you were saying hoooo and purring at the same time) Just before that, I had ignored the alarm on my cell phone and switched it off. But now, with the owl calling through the VERY still air of the early morning, I was recalling the perfect weather report and perfect fishing tides that I was looking at last night. So, I got up and got to the beach.

I had prepped everything the night before so I got out of the house quickly and was on the water by 4:00. By 4:30 I had my first fish. I fished all morning at all my favorite locations on the flat. The bigger fish were very skittish and wouldn't take my fly. I sure got plenty of little ones though with this nice 24 incher for my biggest. He took it in about a foot of water, and I watched him come up on it and take it, practically standing on his head, then turning and racing out to sea away from me. He was very strong for a 24 inch fish and got well into my backing before turning.

After I got him, I headed in, checking a couple other spots on the way, then packed it in to try to get to work by 9:00.

1 comment:

Chase Squires said...

I can't imagine getting out of bed at 3 something a.m. to go fishing ... oh, wait, yes I can, it was damn job for two years in high school .....

then again, I suppose you can't imagine jumping out of bed at 3 a.m. to go run 100 miles, and it's what I live for ....

As we turn into old men, we have our hobbies. Which, to me, is as interesting to watch as it is to live.

Nice fish.