Friday, December 19, 2008

A Snow Day - Lucky Kids

The kids had a snow day today (Friday). I'm not sure what kid is whispering in the right ear but there was NO snow. Not a bit. It was barely even a cloudy sky. It was, however a beautiful sunrise with lots of RED in it, so maybe the decision maker was a sailor... "Red sky in the morning sailors take warning..." At any rate, as we waited for the bus that never showed (on dry pavement), our neighbor pulled up in his car on his way to work. "You know there's no school today." he said. The kids went bananas and it was even exciting for me. I love a good storm.

Well, it took all day before the first flake fell, and the kids certainly could have gotten in a school day in. Huh... in Rockport, we used to have to have a good 8 inches AT LEAST on the ground at daybreak before they even thought about calling off school...

(This is where the power went out last night, and killed my computer. - I finally got the pc running again. I'm not sure if I dare turn it off again though)

So, to finish my thoughts from last night...

Good for the decision makers! It was always so exciting to get a snow day. Thanks to the guy who said... ah what the heck, it's Friday... give the kids the day off. And they did! What a thrill.
We finally did get our snow. A lot of it, starting around 2:30 in the afternoon. The heavy stuff, and it pulled a wire down somewhere. Our power was only out for an hour I hear. I don't know. I took the opportunity to go to bed after lamplight card writing became too much of a pain in the ass. Power to Abe Lincoln!


Chase Squires said...

Closed school with less than 8 inches on the ground, bah! Back in our day ...

Remember the day we got that ice storm in 8th grade, we got to school (those of us who biked) they made us sit in the gym for about an hour, then sent us back out to go home, on the icy roads ... ha.

.... BTW, the bus? What's up with your kid? His legs don't work. Walk or ride your bike, like the rest of us!

Bruce Christopher said...

At some point in the history of city (or rural) planning, some brainchild thought up the idea that sidewalks were unnecessary. Subdivisions get WIDE streets and cars will be driving slow, right? Streets between subdivisions are deemed rural roads and would NOT be used by pedestrians or "other than vehicular traffic."

So, near us we have route 6A, which was the original street used by the english settlers, traders and early townspeople of cape cod. IT has a sidewalk. A few side streets off of it have ONE sidewalk. All the rest of the streets in our town are rural with no sidewalks. The school does not ALLOW the kids to walk to school. It really sucks. We live less than a mile from their school.

And yes... I'll never forget that Ice storm. Can you BELIEVE they sent us? And what's wrong with my kid's legs? Well now that you ask, he sledded into a wall yesterday and broke his friggin FOOT! Fun afternoon in the emergency room. 'Tis the season!

Chase Squires said...

Oh, bummer, little dude.

When I tell people we used to sled at the baseball field, they don't get it ... like, aren't baseball field's flat? :-)

Hope he's felling better.

Chase Squires said...

Merry Christmas, Christophers.

I wish we all lived in the same place ... well, Denver.

Come visit. The mountains miss you.