Monday, January 5, 2009

Big Weekend for Will

Wow... The holidays are over and now it's time to relax. I almost got all of my Christmas cards out this year too. Good thing. I don't think I'll do it any more. It's just too time consuming and now too expensive. A hundred cards and a hundred stamps and I'm well over a hundred dollars. Everyone I know well enough to send a card to, I keep well enough in touch with for them to know I'm thinking about them at Christmas time. I'll probably do some kind of digital deal this year. Not sure what. Hey... save paper, printer ink, plastic, less photo chemicals, stamp glue, shipping boxes from the distributor, pen ink.... it all ads up to less waste. Digital it is this year.

But that's now what I was going to blog about... I was going to blog about Will. He has reached several milestones this week. He cut a tooth, moved from the bassinet to his crib where he now has almost learned to put himself to sleep. He rolled over onto his belly, ate rice cereal and got baptized. All at roughly the turn of four months. Good job little guy!


Chase Squires said...

I'm still working on the eating rice thing, other than that, I'd say we're even.

Bruce Christopher said...

Ever seen this baby "rice cereal?" It's not your Snap Crackle and Pop...It's more like shaved oatmeal soaked in breast milk. MMMMMmmmmm c'mon Chase. Rice cereal or beer. What'll it be?