Monday, July 28, 2008

Low Tide, Windy and Bunches O' Clams

Sunday was another perfect weather day... except for the wind. Since Sunday morning is the only time of the week that I can go fishing, I can almost guarantee it will be windy every Sunday through the end of the summer. Since my boat is a canoe, the wind really pushes it around and it's just an absolute pain to try to fish AND paddle at the same time. So, the wind keeps me shoreside, and I really miss the early mornings, alone with the sunrise and the gulls, far out on the bay, but it does give me just one more excuse to sleep in.

In lieu of fishing, there is always SHELLfishing. The flats are a short walk from the beach, there is less cleanup, the kids can get involved, and it only depends on the tide. In the town of Brewster, a resident family license only costs $15, and you can take 10 quarts of quahogs a week... but only on Sundays and Thursdays through August. I'm the only one who eats them though, so we don't take that many. It's a fun activity for the kids and they've gotten good at feeling the clams with their toes under the sand. I steam them or put them on the grill, eat a few and chop the rest up for stuffed clams.


Keith said...

looking forward to the stuffed clams....seems like a fair trade for those crabcakes a while back.

Chase Squires said...

I remember doing that with my uncle Russ and Aunt Ginny in Scituate, when I told her about it a few years ago, I said I remembered being waist deep in the water while feeling around with my toes, she says, no, she only went up to her knees ... oh, I was six at the time, so, waist deep for me.