Friday, August 15, 2008

My Favorite Beer

(click photos for a larger view)
This is Dogfish Head Brewery's "Raison D'Etre" mahogony ale. It's my favorite beer. They started in Delaware, but recently opened up a brewpub near DC. Rosemary and Jay (Sis and Bro-in-law) live just down the street from the new brewpub, and she got me this glass. I love it... it's sitting now on my "Dogfish" coaster, next to the mouse, full of glass number two for tonight. Their slogan, if you can't read the glass is, "Off-centered ales for off-centered people." I can't wait for my next visit to DC! Thank you Rosemania!


Chase Squires said...

Come to Colorado, the home of craft brewed beers ... Breck, New Belgium, Tommyknocker, Divide, Wynkoop, it's all here and waiting for y'all!!


Chase Squires said...

it's the weekend, time for more posts.