Monday, October 6, 2008

Little Neck Day

Yesterday, in Brewster, was the start of Little-Neck Week. (Small Quahogs or Hardshell Clams). It was cool and drizzly, but the usual crowd was out. The first photo was at the very beginning of the tide, as it went out futher, more people showed up. Eventually, there were probably about 100 people out there. The clams are good raw, in a garlic broth (thanks for the recipe, Keith!) or cooked on the grill in thier own juice. I got about 60 which made my week's limit of 5 quarts.

1 comment:

Chase Squires said...

dang dude, of everything I don't miss about the northeast, the rain, wind, cold, damp ... the one thing I do miss is the seafood .. man, what I'd do for some real clams.