Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Little Neck STEW!

So I dug all these clams the other day (see earlier post), and I've been eating them every day since. When Keith and Evangelina had us over for dinner on Sunday night, Keith made a nice garlic broth for the ones I brought to his house, and he taught me how to make it.

Tonght, to a similar broth, I added tomatoes, red peppers, hot peppers and zuccini to get a nice spicy red sauce, served with a bunch of the littler clams over pasta. Amy doesn't eat clams so I had them all to myself again. (She liked the sauce though)

1 comment:

Chase Squires said...

Doesn't eat Clams??? Yikes, well maybe she likes Colorado seafood better? Rocky Mountian Oysters, anyone?