Monday, October 27, 2008

More Oyster Egg Hunting

There seem to be an abundance of oysters in the Brewster stocks. Either that or it was so nasty last week that people just gave up the hunt. Yesterday, the crowd was out in force again, collecting their 5 entitled quarts. I had to be at a Birthday Party (see previous Hello Kitty Post) at at 3:00, so not only was my venture dependent on the tide, but time as well. I would have to get out into deep water before it was low enough, which meant I might be getting wet.

Flats workable at 2 hours before low.
Low tide 4:00
I waded out at 1:30

At 1:30, the tide was not quite low enough to work. I could SEE oysters on the bottom, but even with my barbeque tonges, I coudn't quite reach them. At one point, I dropped my tongues, and that preoccupied me for a good 10 minutes as I tried to "hacky sack" them up from the bottom on my wader-bood bound feet. Once I had them back in hand, the tide was out JUST far enough for me to pluck a few from a pile I found. Still, I got my arm soaked all the way up to the pits, but I wasn't the only one (see the lady in the photo? She's got water down her waders and soaked from the neck to her hand too). Seems a lot of ealy birds were trying to get their oystering in before the end of the Pats game (which they won) .

I got my limit and made it home by 2:48 for the party. Hello Kitty! (I still don't know what Hello Kitty really is...)


Chase Squires said...

You New Englanders are weird. :-)

Bruce Christopher said...

Weird huh? I suppose I should don a fake lumberjack beard and overalls, drink some banana rum and go run a hundred miles or so.

Chase Squires said...

um ... yeah, well, you got me there. :-)